​Publications (Journal) :
Tsukasa Nakatoh, Takuji Osaki, Sohma Tanimoto, Md. Golam Sarowar Jahan, Tomohisa Kawakami,Kentaro Chihara,Nobuyuki Sakai, Shigehiko Yumura. Cell behaviors within a confined adhesive area fabricated using novel micropatterning methods. PLoSONE 17(1), 2022: e0262632. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262632. LINK
Koushiro Fujimoto, Masahito Tanaka, A.Y. K. Md. Masud Rana, Md. Golam Sarowar Jahan, Go Itoh, Masatsune Tsujioka, Taro Q. P. Uyeda, Shin-ya Miyagishima and Shigehiko Yumura. Dynamin-Like protein B of Dictyostelium contributes to cytokinesis cooperatively with other dynamins. Cells. 2019 Jul 26;8(8). pii: E781. doi: 10.3390/cells8080781. LINK PDF
Yuki Tanaka, Md. Golam Sarowar Jahan, Tomo Kondo, Masaki Nakano, Shigehiko Yumura. Cytokinesis D is mediated by cortical flow of dividing cells instead of chemotaxis. Cells 2019, 8(5), 473. LINK PDF
Md. Golam Sarowar Jahan, Shigehiko Yumura. Traction force and its regulation during cytokinesis in Dictyostelium cells. European Journal of Cell Biology. 96(6): 515-528. September 2017. LINK PDF
Md. Rabiul Karim, Nasrin Ferdous, Narayan Roy, Subed Chandra Dev Sharma, Md. Golam Sarowar Jahan, Mohammad Shariar Shovon. A comparative study of antimicrobial activity of the leaf and stem of Alocasia indica L. International Journal of Biosciences, 7(4): 87-93. October 2015
Sultana Parvin, Dilruba Easmin, Afzal Sheikh, Mrityunjoy Biswas, Subed Chandra Dev Sharma, Md. Golam Sarowar Jahan, Md Amirul Islam, Narayan Roy, Mohammad Shariar Shovon. Nutritional analysis of Date fruits (​Phoenix dactylifera L.) in perspective of Bangladesh. American Journal of Life Sciences, 3(4) : 274-278. July 2015
Md. Rabiul Karim, Nasrin Ferdous, Narayan Roy, M. G. Sarowar Jahan, Apurba Kumar Sarkar, Mohammad Shariar Shovon. A study on nutritional components of the leaf and stem Alocasia indica L. Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences and Technology, 2(1): 46-54. March 2015
Md. Rabiul Karim, Nasrin Ferdous, Narayan Roy, Subed Chandra Dev Sharma, M. G. Sarowar Jahan, Mohammad Shariar Shovon " A study on antidiabetic activity of the leaf and stem of Alocasia indica L. in steptozotocin induced diabetic rats. " International Journal of Biosciences, 5(6): 195-202. September, 2014
M.G. Sarowar Jahan, M. Shaela Pervin, A.Y.K.M. Masud Rana,M. Shariar Shovon, S.C. Dev Sharma, M. Rezaul Karim, M. Habibur Rahman " Correlation between β-amylase activity and starch content in different cultivars of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) " Biotechnology: An Indian Journal, 9(7): 298-302. July 2014
Subed Chandra Dev Sharma, Mohammad Shariar Shovon, M. G. Sarowar Jahan, A.K.M. Asaduzzaman, Md. Ajijur Rahman, Kamal Krishna Biswas, N. Abe, Narayan Roy " Antibacterial and cytotoxic activity of Bacillus methylotrophicus-scs2012 isolated from soil " The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 2 (4): 2293-2307. April 2014
M. Shaela Pervin, M.G. Sarowar Jahan, A.Y.K. Md. Masud Rana, N.K. Sana, M. Habibur Rahman, R.K. Shaha " Effects of some environmental variables on urease in germinating Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seed " Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 9(3): 345-356. March 2013
Subed Chandra Dev Sharma, Mohammad Shariar Shovon, M. G. Sarowar Jahan, A.K.M.Asaduzzaman, Bulbuli Khatun, Tanzima Yeasmin, Narayan Roy " Antibiotic sensitivity and antibacterial activity of Micrococcus sp SCS1 " Research & Reviews in Biosciences, 6(10): 304-310. June 2012
Sarowar Jahan M. G., M. Shaela Pervin, M. Shariar Shovon, S. C. Dev Sharma, Narayan Roy, M. Habibur Rahman " Effect of metal ions, chelating agent and SH-reagents on radish (Raphanus sativus L.) root β-amylase " Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 8(3): 180-188. March 2012
S C D Sharma, M S Shovon, A K M Asaduzzaman, M G Sarowar Jahan, T yeasmin, N Roy. " Optimization of alkali-thermostable and cellulase-free xylanase production from Bacillus sp " Journal of Bio-Science, 19: 7-11. November 2011
M. Shaela Pervin, M. G. Sarowar Jahan " Evaluation of changes in enzyme activities and nutrient degradation of chickpea seed (Cicer arietinum L.) during germination " Natural Products: An Indian Journal, 7(6): 325-330. June 2011
M. G. Sarowar Jahan, M. Shaela Pervin, M. Belal Uddin, N. K. Sana, M. Habibur Rahman " Screening of some enzymes and nutrients in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) root "BioChemistry: An Indian Journal, 5(5): 296-300. May 2011
Shaela Pervin, Niranjan Kumar Sana, Md. Golam Sarowar Jahan, Md. Masudul Hasan Khan, Md. Rezaul Karim, Bidhan Chandra Sarkar and Ranajit Kumar Shaha " Partial Purification and Characterization of Urease from Germinating Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Seed "Research & Reviews in Biosciences, 3(1): 27-31. June 2009
M. G. Sarowar Jahan, M. Shaela Pervin, M. Rowshanul Habib, Farzana Nikkon, M. Habibur Rahman " Purification and Characterization of β-amylase from Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Root " J. App. Sci. Research, 5(12): 2225-2233. May 2009
Publications (Conference) :
M. G. Sarowar Jahan, Shigehiko Yumura " Dynamics of Traction Force and Actin Cytoskeleton during Cytokinesis in Dictyostelium " The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology. June, 2018
Sarowar Jahan, Shigehiko Yumura " Cell adhesion modulates Traction Forces in Dictyostelium during Cytokinesis " The 39th Annual Meeting of of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan. December, 2016
Sarowar Jahan, Shigehiko Yumura " Comparison of traction force among three modes of cytokinesis in Dictyostelium " The 37th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan. November, 2014
Subed Chandra Dev Sharma, Mohammad Shariar Shovon, Golam Sarowar Jahan, Mohammad Abdullah, Nurul Islam and Narayan Roy " Screening, isolation, and antimicrobial properties of Bacillus sp from sewage " Conference of the Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. February, 2012
Mohammad Shariar Shovon, Narayan Roy, Subed Chandra Dev Sharma, Md Golam Sarowar Jahan and Teruo Hinoue " Thermal Modulation Voltammetric Determination of Nitrate and Nitrite Ion Using an Electrochemically Pretreated Copper Electrode: In View of an Application and Characterization " 3rd International Conference on Chemical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. December, 2011